Andrew Orenstein’s wide range of interests, talents, and friends gives him a unique perspective on New York City and its neighborhoods. He graduated from LaGuardia Arts High School in June 2011 and will be attending Washington University in St. Louis in the Fall of 2012. Andrew decided to join Rubicon Property to assist his father, Hank Orenstein, during his year off. Andrew greatly appreciates Rubicon’s support of as he experienced the need for water in the developing world through hands-on participation in a project to bring clean water to a farming village in Nicaragua. Andrew has lived in New York City his entire life, living most of it on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. At LaGuardia Arts, Andrew studied a variety of artistic techniques, including oil painting, watercolor, anatomy drawing, printmaking, and sculpture. In addition to being a visual artist, Andrew plays drums for The Beach Arabs, a local indie rock group.